The Top-Rated Functional Strength Training Program in Towson MD

Exercising, training, and doing things for your body is great but unless your workout plan is targeted to you specifically, it's not going to work as well as it could and it may actually result in injury or pain. When people come into our Towson MD office in pain, perhaps from a back injury, sciatica, migraines, or any other number of issues, we get them out of pain. The problem is that many of them go back to doing the things they were doing before which caused the initial issue. This leads to unnecessary flair-ups and re-injuries.

That's why we've developed our Functional Strength Program in Towson MD. If you're looking for a customized, personalized, 1-on-1 fitness strength program built around you to reduce your risk of injury, our Functional Strength Program is for you!

What Is The Functional Strength Program in Towson MD?

The Functional Strength Program is a fully customized, personalized, 1-on-1 fitness strength program built around you. Our Functional Movement Screen is designed to identify weak links and where you move improperly. We'll take you through 7 tests and look for imbalances in every major joint and region of the body. This evaluation allows us to identify weaknesses that wouldn't normally come to your attention because they don't hurt yet but they put you at risk of injury.

Then, we take what we learned in the evaluation and your personal goals and we marry chiropractic treatments and fitness strength training into your very own personalized Functional Strength Program. For example, if you're working toward being able to run a marathon or you want to improve your golf swing, we'll take you through certain exercises that will help you reach those goals while preventing injury. Based on our TPI certification, our certified functional strength certification, our functional movement screen certification, and our experience with dealing with runners and high-level athletes, we've got a plethora of exercises to choose from to build the right plan for you!


"Starting in 2020 I got on a more regular routine with 2 workouts a week in the FSP program where I was screened and created a custom workout program to strengthen my weak areas and then re-screened. I went from hating working out to looking forward to it in about a month's time. All the trainers pay close attention to your form and are expert demonstrators and corrective specialists that will speak up when your form is off. I recommend Kalkstein Chiropractic to all of my students, friends, and family who complain about any pain at all and honestly get a little disturbed when they don't take advantage of the world-class facility right in Towson.""

How Does The Functional Strength Program Work?

The really special part about this program is that it looks at the entire body holistically. We look at everything from the ankle range of motion to how the shoulders, neck, and upper back move. We examine this not just from a chiropractic and orthopedic standpoint, but from a physical fitness standpoint, as well. Once we've identified where your weak links are and where your strengths are, we build a personalized multi-phase strength training program based around your strengths and your limitations.

In this program, we always start with mobility work which includes things like foam rolling, breathing, targeted stretching, and activities based on your goals and your outcomes. From there, we move to a power warm-up sequence, and then we finish with a full-body three by three strength training program. Each phase of the exercise program is designed around you to maximize your gains while decreasing your risk for injury. This level of personalization allows us to get our patients great results.

We see countless people each year who decide to work on their physical fitness that wind up injuring themselves again and we want to prevent that from happening to you. With the Functional Strength Program, we're able to walk you through a physical training program based on your needs and your capabilities without sacrificing that problem that brought you in the first place. Using a combination of bodyweight exercises, low tech training, dumbbells, pull-up bars, and free weights, we're able to create a safe environment for you to work out and get results.

With our Functional Strength Program, you won't have to do it alone. You'll work one-on-one or in a small group setting with one of our certified functional strength coach assistants so you can be monitored for perfect form all along the way. Our doctors and our trainers are picky when it comes to performance and form and for good reason. If you're doing any of the exercises incorrectly, we're going to call you out and make sure you're going to do it right because your form is incredibly important to maintaining strength and stability in the long run.

Who Is The Functional Strength Program For?

The Functional Strength Program, or FSP, is a full-body rehab program designed for those who want to start working out again but are worried they will hurt themselves. If you've injured yourself in the past, have had issues that could flare up again, or just want to avoid injury, this program is a great fit for you no matter your age.

If you want to get back to the gym, the Functional Strength Program will set you up for success. Age is not a determining factor for this program. Graduates of this program include a high-level squash player who is a junior in high school as well as a 78-year-old pastor who wants to run a half marathon next year.

For the best Functional Strength Program in Towson MD and to start feeling better faster, call our office today (410) 296-7700 or schedule your appointment by clicking below.


7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Kalkstein Chiropractic

200 E Joppa Rd #300
Towson, MD 21286

(410) 296-7700