Benefits of Functional Strength Training (Start Off The New Year Right)

Benefits of Functional Strength Training
(Start Off The New Year Right)

It's that time of year again when many Americans head to the gym in an attempt to fulfill a New Year's resolution to exercise more. Getting in better shape is a fantastic resolution but too many people wind up hurting themselves in the process and we don't want you to be one of them.

  • According to a study from the University of Arkansas, there has been a 35% increase in gym injuries in recent years.
  • The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that 498,498 people were injured using exercise equipment in 2018 alone.

This time every year we see an influx of patients who hit the gym with good intentions but wind up injuring themselves because they weren't ready. We see a wide range of injuries from gym-goers including herniated discs in the lower back, shoulder impingement pain, bicep tendonitis, a pinched nerve in the neck, knee pain, and tennis/golfer elbow. Instead of throwing yourself in the deep end of intense workouts, it pays to condition your body for exercise first so you don't risk injury.

Benefits Of Functional Strength Training

We developed our 12-week Functional Strength Program to prevent injury and improve the weak links in your osteopathic or chiropractic health. By addressing the problems we can't see before they turn into injuries, we save you the pain and frustration of having to be sidelined due to an injury.

Instead of winging it at the gym and risking injury, this program provides you with everything you need to get in shape without the risk. Some people say "no pain, no gain" but we believe in preparing you so you can avoid the pain of injury entirely. That's one of the biggest benefits of functional strength training.

But don't just take it from us, here's what Brandon said about the benefits of functional training after going through our Functional Strength Program:

"This program has changed my life. I'm not that old but I've definitely felt improvement overall, especially with the back pain I've had. I saw improvements in the first few weeks of just doing back lower back stretches. 

Once I had my Full Movement Evaluation and received my personalized fitness program I felt an improvement in all the joints and parts of my body that probably felt stiff but I didn't realize it yet. The staff has been great! They keep me in line and let me know if I'm doing something wrong and how I can fix it. Now I feel more confident after leaving the office and I can go to the gym and know how to do everything properly."

- Brandon

How Does Functional Strength Training Work?

Our Functional Strength Program is a fully customized, personalized, 1-on-1 fitness strength program built around you. Our Functional Movement Screen is designed to identify weak links and where you move improperly. We'll take you through 7 tests and look for imbalances and every major joint of the body. This evaluation allows us to identify weaknesses that wouldn't normally come to your attention because they don't hurt yet but they put you at risk of injury.

We take what we learned in the evaluation as well as your own personal goals and marry chiropractic treatments and fitness strength training into your personalized functional strength program. For example, if you're working toward being able to run a marathon or you want to improve your golf swing, we'll take you through certain exercises that will help you reach those goals while preventing injury. Based on our TPI certification, our functional movement strength certification, and our experience with dealing with runners and high-level athletes, we've got a plethora of exercises to choose from to build the right plan for you. 

The excellent part about this program is that it looks at the entire body. We're looking at ankle range of motion all the way up through how the shoulders move, how the neck moves, and how the upper back moves, not just from a chiropractic and orthopedic standpoint, but from a physical fitness standpoint, as well. Once we've identified where your weak links are and where your strengths are, we built a multi-phase strength training program based on your strengths and your limitations.

In this program, everyone starts with mobility work which includes things like foam rolling, breathing, targeted stretching, and activities based on your goals and your outcomes. From there, we moved to a power warm-up sequence, and then we finished with a full-body three-by-three strength training program. Each phase of the exercise program is designed around you to maximize your gains while decreasing your risk for injury. 

To get started with the Functional Strength Program, click here or call our office at (410) 296-7700 to schedule your Functional Movement Exam that we'll use to build out your personalized 12-week program.

We look forward to helping you reach your fitness goals in 2021 and making sure you don't get injured in the process!




7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

7:30am - 12:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Kalkstein Chiropractic

200 E Joppa Rd #300
Towson, MD 21286

(410) 296-7700