Kalkstein Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractors in Towson have Extensive Schooling

Chiropractors in Towson MD have Extensive Schooling

Chiropractors in Towson MD have Extensive Schooling One question that many people seem to have about chiropractors concerns the amount of schooling required in order to practice. It wasn't too long ago that some people referred to chiropractic as "quackery", or at best, an incomplete healing discipline. Times have changed ...
Chiropractor Towson MD Warren Kalkstein With Older Man

Prevent Injuries: Top Reasons To Warm Up Before Exercising Or A Heavy Workout

Prevent Injuries: Top Reasons To Warm Up Before Exercising Or A Heavy Workout If you're the type to walk into the gym and start working out immediately without warming up, you're putting yourself at serious risk of injury. You may think you're too young or too active to need to ...
Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Towson

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Towson MD

Chiropractic Treatment for Car Accidents in Towson MD Play Video No one anticipates getting into a car accident, but almost everyone that has the misfortune to get into one will have some negative physical effect as a result. Whether it is just a minor fender bender or serious, multi-car crash, ...
Chiropractic Towson MD Woman On Mountain

Benefits of Functional Strength Training (Start Off The New Year Right)

Benefits of Functional Strength Training (Start Off The New Year Right) Play Video It's that time of year again when many Americans head to the gym in an attempt to fulfill a New Year's resolution to exercise more. Getting in better shape is a fantastic resolution but too many people ...
Chiropractic Towson MD Pregnancy Adjustment

Chiropractic for Pregnancy in Towson MD

Chiropractor for Pregnancy in Towson MD Play Video There are over 6 million children born in the United States, over 14% of these births come with some sort of complication. So, not only is labor painful enough, but there are always risks that may occur. There are several ways to ...
Towson Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health

Towson MD Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health

Towson MD Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health Play Video Every year, hundreds if not thousands of people suffer some type of lower back injury. This often requires a visit to their Towson MD chiropractor as a result of gardening or doing some other type of yard work. This happens ...