Kalkstein Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Towson MD Handshake Hero

Discover The Importance Of Routine Chiropractic Adjustments

Discover The Importance OfRoutine Chiropractic Adjustments Play Video If you've had a back, neck, or hip injury, you know that you can go from feeling great to feeling tense and in pain pretty quickly. Many people don't realize that you can continue to feel good by getting routine chiropractic adjustments. ...
fitness tips from a chiropractor

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Towson MD

Fitness Tips from a Chiropractor in Towson MD Play Video A chiropractor in Towson MD is no stranger to seeing patients that have injured themselves working out or playing sports. Pulled muscles, strains, sprains, ligament tears, and misaligned discs are all part of the practice. Virtually every type of fitness ...
Towson Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches

Towson MD Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches

Towson MD Chiropractor Discusses Different Types of Headaches Play Video Headaches are one of those health issues that can be mild and irritating, severe and debilitating, or one of many degrees in between. They can build up slowly or come on suddenly, and no matter how bad it is, almost ...
Chiropractor Towson MD Warren Kalkstein With Shoulder Pain Patient

Is Chiropractic Care An Alternative To Surgery?

Is Chiropractic Care An Alternative To Surgery? When you're dealing with a painful injury involving your joints, you may find that your doctor refers you to an orthopedic surgeon. In some cases, chiropractic care can be an alternative to surgery but most people don't know that. In fact, we regularly ...
Chiropractic Towson MD Laser Therapy Woman

How Does Class 4 Laser Therapy Work?

How Does Class 4 Laser Therapy Work? Class 4 laser therapy may look and sound like something out of an episode of Star Trek but it's a powerful treatment we use in our office every day. Class 4 laser therapy has become a standard of care for many musculoskeletal injuries ...
chiropractor discusses proper child backpacks

Towson MD Chiropractor Discusses Proper Child Backpacks

Towson MD Chiropractor Discusses Proper Child Backpacks Although children are smaller than adults, and their bodies are still growing and developing, parents tend to weigh them down with backpacks that are far too heavy and unbalanced. Lower back pain is the most common health issue suffered by Americans and in ...