Kalkstein Chiropractic Blog
What Is Trigger Point Dry Needling?
What Is Trigger Point Dry Needling? Trigger point dry needling, also known as dry needling or myofascial trigger point dry needling, is a procedure that we use to treat a wide range of muscle pain and tension. Whether that pain is in your back, neck, shoulders, jaw, ankles, or even ...
Headache Tips from a Towson MD Chiropractic Office
Headache Tips from a Towson MD Chiropractic Office Play Video Just about everyone in Towson MD suffers from headaches once in a while. Most of them don't require any kind of medical attention and gradually subside with time. It is when a headache starts to interfere with your daily activities ...
Here’s How To Maximize Your Core Strength
Here's How To Maximize Your Core Strength It doesn't matter whether you're an athlete or you just want to live with less back pain, your core strength is incredibly important. You may know that maximizing your core strength is important, but how do you do that without straining your neck ...
Towson MD Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation
Towson MD Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation Play Video The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into making it all work together, it's little wonder that joint pain is a ...
Can A Chiropractor Treat Groin Pain? (Yes, We Can)
Can A Chiropractor Treat Groin Pain? (Yes, We Can) Groin pain is an incredibly disruptive type of pain that can prevent you from being able to stand, walk, or even sit comfortably. When groin pain isn't caused by a larger issue such as arthritis or a hernia, it's most often ...
Towson MD Chiropractor May Help TMJ
Towson MD Chiropractor May Help TMJ Among the areas of the body that Towson MD chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It's easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from ...